

ATOS patch notes #14

Hiya guys!

Today’s patch includes a new enemy type, various bug fixes, several new items and lots more sounds!

version 1.1.70 – (9-5-14)

• Added a full new theme song – time to die!

• Added new water based enemy – The sea snake

• Increased distance that items can be picked up by

• Items can now be picked up while moving

• Reduced cool down between picking up ground items by half

• Added new item, the amethyst necklace

• Fixed bug with crafting window not correctly calculating item stack values

• Fixed bug with inventory not stacking items correctly

• Fixed bug with detail items not being added to ground or inventory when picking up with a full inventory

• Armour and movement speed modifies are now shown in the equipment screen

• Re-designed the crafting gui for a slightly better layout

• Added crafting progress bar to gui

• Added several new sounds for when equipping and un-equipping items

• Added several sounds when eating items

• Reduced ground apples by 30%

• Increased base player movement speed by 0.2

• Wolfs no longer chase into water

• Fixed bug with auto-tiling sometimes not detecting corners of some tiles

That is all for today,

– Zero.

ATOS patch notes #13

Hiya guys!

Today’s update includes Quivers, a new hat type, slightly revised gui layout and some balance tweaks, enjoy!

version 1.1.67 (4-6-14) –

• Fixed bug with some game files not being deleted when removing a character

• Added a new gui element to allow zooming in and out of the game view

• Fixed bug that was preventing the correct number of items in the inventory for being calculated

• Fixed bug that was preventing planting seeds after the last patch

• Added new food item, pork!

• Added sounds to character creation window

• Re-designed the equipment window to take up less space

• Added a new object type, barrels

• Added new item, the Quiver

• Fixed bug with two-handed weapons sometimes not un-equipping offhand

• Fixed shield positing overlapping some weapons

• Fixed bug where some items were slowing player movement speed

• Added a new item, the bandanna

• Increased rock stack from 5 to 10

• Reduced pickaxe stone cost from 3 to 2

– Zero

ATOS patch notes #12

Hiya guys,

We have been updating steadily for a few days now adding new features and fixing up existing ones as we go along. None of these changes were significant enough for their own post so bellow is the changes for the past several minor updates.


• Game is now partially saved every 60 seconds to prevent any character loss

• Fixed bug when placing stone blocks that would cause a crash

• Added new collision detection script to the player on spawn meaning if you do get stuck simply re-load the game to un-stick

• Added new object, the beacon – craft and place this item to find your way home

• Added examine and destroy interactions to the table, chair, campfire and furnace items

• Fixed bug with destroying an object that the wrong text would display


• Fixed memory leak when loading and saving multiple games which eventually crashed the game

• Reduced game texture size to 512×512 for better compatibility on lower end devices

• Reduced game save size by over 60%, also reduced saving time by 40%

• Added new mountain tile with black top

• Resized several gui items

• Changed save file format for better compatibility across all devices

• Increased spawn rate of dungeons

• Fixed crash when placing the combat dummy in water

• Fixed bug with raw food sometimes not being taken when cooked

• Fixed bug with some resources not running out

• Increased base damage of woodcutting axe by 0.4

• Fixed bug with music engine sometimes not stopping


• Added a new backup utility that will store temporary data that can be loaded from if the game crashes, saving objects like chests and furnaces that have been placed

• Added two new enemy types, the fire and ice beetle!

• Fixed bug with feather cooking on campfire and producing a cooked fish

• Fixed bug wth gui display now rendering on some lower-end devices

• Fixed bug with fade-ins not covering the entire window

• Disabled automatic power-saving functionality to stop screen dimming on some devices

• Added fire beetle npc to dungeons

• Fixed sprite offsets of cow, imp and wolf

• Reduced health of the pig by 7

• Fixed bug with npc spawn collision checking not calculating correctly

Thanks guys!

– Zero

ATOS patch notes #11

Hiya guys,

Today we are releasing patch 11 for ATOS. This release fixes several bugs that were reported, adds a new type of enemy AI to the game and tweaks a few existing mechanics to work much better. We are always looking for things to improve so if you have any suggestions please send us an email via our contact form and let us know!

version 1.1.55 (31-5-14)

• Fixed reed tile transition from dirt to grass

• Reduced health of chicken by 5

• Reduced health of butterfly by 7

• Butterflies are now classed as passive and will not do damage, instead they will attempt to run away from the player when attacked

• Fixed bug with large npcs spawning inside some resources

• Fixed bug with cooking pot being be placed on the campfire

• Re-worked all npc collision masks to provide more consistent hit boxes

• Fixed bug with some items disappearing from inventory when crafting

• Added multi-touch to the hotbar and button-bar

• Removed use option from raw meat

• Fixed bug with campfire being re-lit after exiting and loading a game ever after it had burnt out

• Fixed bug with some modifiers status bars not being clickable due to the joystick being activated instead

• Fixed inventory alignment offset

• Added new check to crafting menu to prevent the window opening accidentally when moving the joystick

• Added fade when behind objects so the player is always visible

• Fixed bug with active crafting directory recipe not closing on second click

• Worms no longer spawn on grass to make starting off a little easier

• Reduced hunger step damage by 1

• Added new sound when dropping an item

• Added new click sounds to several buttons

• Added weight and friction to player and npc collisions

• Added new orange tree sprite

• Added temporary swing sound for all weapons

• Fixed bug that was preventing collision checking from taking place when placing some objects

• Fixed bug were negative damage was actually healing the player rather than just not doing damage

• Fixed bug that would prevent picking up stackable items with a full inventory

• Fixed bug when crafting items that would not detect inventory item stack limit properly

• Fixed item options for cloth legs not displaying correctly

• Fixed bug when equipping an item with a full inventory that the existing equip item would be dropped

That is it for today guys!


ATOS patch notes #9

Hiya guys,

Here is another small update just to address some of the problems people are currently experiencing when interacting with resources. This update also includes a few bug fixes and minor optimisations. We have also re-developed the way that global map collisions are managed to be now far more efficient and implemented this with mountains as a preliminary test.

Version 1.1.47 (27-5-14) –

• Fixed glitch with dungeon tiles when moving horizontally

• Fixed bug with mining rocks still being-mine able even after they had be mined out

• Fixed crash when clicking a dead resource

• Fixed bug with bow shot cancel gui button not responding to multi-touch

• Tree resources now drop 1/3 less than before

• Increased the base hunger heal rate of all food items by 25%

• Reduced damage of the spear by 3

• Increased energy regeneration rate by 0.5 per second

• Reduced running energy drain by 0.5

• Increased vertical draw distance by one

• Streamlined resource management loop for better overall performance

• Fixed bug with loading bar when loading a game not displaying the correct values

• Fixed tile transition between long grass and dark grass not displaying correctly

• Fixed bug with resources sometimes not displaying correctly after re-spawning

• Added craft item output amount to crafting interface

• Fixed bug when destroying fence objects which could dispense more items than was used to make it

• re-added mountain collisions with new optimisation for better performance

• Fixed bug with interact buttons something’s being disrupted by joystick controller

That is is all for today, stay tunes for more!

– Zero

ATOS patch notes #6

Hiya guys,

Today patch is targeted at fixing some of the issues that have been reported with dungeons, specifically when entering an exiting there was a bug that mishandled the player positioning. This has now been resolved. Today I re-worked the players camera to be a little more fluid in its movement, and not as rigid as before.

We have some great new additions coming up so look out for those!

Version 1.1.38 (21-5-14)

• Added new fall back to dungeon generation to prevent crashes

• Increased number of dungeons generated in the world by 5

• Fixed bug with some gui items being click able when not visible

• Fixed lag associated with the first 10 seconds when starting a new game

• Re-designed the camera to now work much more ‘fluid’ and less strict in its movement, try running and stopping!

• Fixed potential bug in map generation loop that could stall the game

• Found and fixed cause of some dungeons being completely back and empty

• Fixed bug when entering and exiting dungeons that the players position could be lost

• Fixed bug where dungeon entrance could sometimes

• Fixed bug with pause menu trying to draw even when the window did not have focus causing a crash

• Reduced floor tile ‘flashing’, still not fully resolved

That is all for today,


ATOS patch notes #5

Hiya guys,

Today’s patch focuses on fixing some of the broken logic in the crafting system of ATOS, as-well as some bugs that where present with the core npc controller. I am extremely happy to report that performance reports people have been sending in across the board are very positive, and the game is now running stable on most devices. It was a rough few days but we finally got there. We can not start to focus on improving the game-play as-well as adding new features, items and objectives!

We are currently working on a raft type system to allow much quicker movement over water, so be on the lookout for that!

Version 1.1.37 (20-5-14)

• Fixed bug that was preventing campfire and other objects being placed

• Fixed bug with needs not planting correctly in some instances

• Fixed bug with player death animation not playing

• Fixed bug with npcs changing direction too quickly

• Increased campfire burn time by 10 seconds

• Fixed bug with campfire particle positioning

• Fixed bug when using items with other objects the positioning was calculated wrong

• Fixed bug with bow animation not displaying correctly

• Fixed bug with map sometimes being fully drawn when entering the world

• Crafting metal armour now requires an anvil. Cooking meats now requires a campfire

• Fixed bug where meat could be cooked without campfire being lit

• Fixed bug where bandages where not being removed from inventory after use

• Fixed bug where dead NPC where sometimes being drawn after reloading the game

• Fixed bug where dead NPC and resources were being drawn on the mini-map

Thanks for reading,


ATOS patch notes #4

Hiya guys!

Its been a patchy few days but after this patch I think ATOS will be up and running as first intended. We have managed to work out most of the bugs people have been experiencing from the reports you have been sending in. We hope to start adding more to the game in coming patches including more crafting items, enemy variety and game play elements!

1.1.36 – 19-5-14

• Fixed action bar width overflowing on some devices

• Fixed bug with interaction with some environmental objects such as trees no longer working

• Fixed bug with dungeon entrance positioning not always being correct

• Fixed out of bounds errors when generating a new world after patch 1.1.28

• Fixed bug with player attack animations not playing when gathering resource

• Fixed bug with inventory items staying selected even after placing them

• Based on feedback increased horizontal movement speed by 0.6

• Increased diameter of joystick and move slightly further away from crafting window

• Reduced healing effect of bandages by 1 per second

• Fixed graphical glitch with torch

• Fixed speech bubble movement glitch (again)

• Fixed equipment durability metres sometimes drawing blurry

• Fixed item placement mouse positioning offset to compensate for touch

• Fixed bug which prevented tomatoes being planted in dirt

• Fixed bug with text log which was sucking up a huge amount of memory

• Reduced weather particle effects life and size across the board to help with available memory

• Consolidated number of active timers in step events

• Fixed bug where weather was always lasting a constant time instead of a variable length

• Fixed bug with leaf item not healing any hunger

• Reduced stress on initial game load by growing all resources on map on generation instead of as background task

• Fixed glitch with map drawing but when being damaged by fire or cacti

• Fixed glitch that was preventing movement sounds from being played

• Fixed bug with player depth not correctly being calculated in reeds

• Fixed bug with audio engine not correctly calculating song length correctly

• Fixed bug with menu music not changing as intended

• Fixed bug with cave theme music not playing correctly

• Fix bug with songs continuing to play after exiting to menu

• Player can now sprint while moving diagonally

• Fixed bug where flying enemies where appearing underwater

That is it for today, please let us know if you have any ideas that we can use to improve ATOS!

– Zero.

ATOS patch notes #3

Hiya guys,

Here is the second update today for ATOS, sorry it took a little longer than expected. This provides allot of new functionality aswell as (of course) bug fixes. Thank you to everyone for the reports so far, they have been invaluable in finding the issues present!

More notably in this patch we have completely changed the way that items are placed on the ground to now display a grid instead of a point and click system, I hope you will find this far more useful!

version 1.1.30 (18-5-14) –

• Reduced world size by 20% for better performance across all devices

• Fixed mouse ‘sticking’ in the menu screen on some devices

• Fixed bug with lighting controller crashing when game lost focus in some situations

• Reduced texture page size to 1028×1028 for better performance on lower-end devices

• Weapon and armour sprites are now loaded externally to save ram and boost loading speeds

• Added new item – Iron leg armour – Along with crafting recipe

• Reduced game save-size by 50%!

• Reduced world generation time by 30%!

• Fixed red-imp sprite glitch

• Fixed NPC water avoidance bug

• Added multiple toggle states to interface items to prevent too many windows being open at once

• Reworked the way that player energy works to now regenerate when the player is walking, just at a slower rate

• Added player speech text for when energy is extremely low

• Changed the way that damage is calculated to be less linear

• Player now has the chance of dealing a critical hit on any attack!

• Fixed a memory leak associated with the players targeting system, this could stop a few crashes!

• Fixed ai path finding bug that could cause the game to crash

• Added sound effect for when the player takes fire damage (lava, campfire etc)

• Fixed bug with power bar sometimes being overlapped by map tiles

• Reduced players base attack damage by 1

• Fixed bug where the player could target dead npcs

• Increased spider base health to 30

• Reduced attack damage, speed and range of worm

• Fixed bug where player and npcs where constantly being checked for changes instead of only when they actually changed

• Fixed bug with dungeon torches staying visible after leaving a dungeon

• Fixed bug where cooking pot could not be placed on top of camp-fire

• Based on recent recent feedback the object placement system has been completely re-written to be far easier to use

• Fixed bug when planting seeds that planted them at an offset to their intended position

• Fixed bug where assets where not being cleared from memory correctly when leaving the game

That is all for today,

– Zero.

ATOS patch notes #2

Hiya guys,

We are going to be rolling out a new update for ATOS shortly, aimed at fixing some of the random crashes people are currently experiencing. We are working hard to fix the problems up and to anyone currently experiencing problems please accept our apologies!

Version 1.1.28 (18-5-14)

• Added automatic periodic player data saving to prevent character loss Game is now saved upon generation to allow this

• Fixed bug when placing items that could cause a game crash

• Fixed several random crash issues that were reported, sorry it was not sooner!

• Fixed bug with fishing line and float not being visible after last patch when fishing

• Fixed bug with some tiles ‘flashing’

• Fixed issues with sound engine ‘overflowing’ and potentially causing the game to crash

• Fixed bug when reaching the end of the world that the player could potentially get stuck

• Fixed text alignment issue in character selection window

• Fixed random crash that could happen when the game was held in the pause menu for long periods of time

• Fixed bug with action text alpha not properly resetting after each message

• Fixed bug with paper dolls still being full visible when the player was in water

• Reduced frequency of thunder as-well as sound volume

• Fixed bug with ground item interaction that could cause an out of range error

• Fixed bug where player total health was not being updated when healing

• Fixed bug with red imp sprite not displaying correctly

Thats all for now, expect another update either later on today or early tomorrow. Keep those bug reports comming in!
