Hello adventurers!

Just a small patch today to address a few newly reported issues and add a few quality of life changes. There has been alot of work going on behind the scenes and cant wait to show you more in future updates.

I am also happy to announce Arcane Vale has been approved for release on Nintendo Switch and will be coming out in a few months!

Also, trading cards have been released! This was a few weeks ago, but I never got to officially announce it. I was really excited to see the option had been unlocked for Arcane Vale to add community items and think they came out looking great!

Bug fixes –
• Fixed Milad dialogue selection bug
• Fixed Witch’s potion remaining in inventory after quest complete
• Fixed bug when speaking to Dennis that would allow you to repeat the warden distraction dialogue
• Fixed virtual keyboard on touchscreen devices not appearing
• Hotbar can no longer be activated during cut scenes
• Fixed switch double click sound when selecting character on gamepad
• Fixed rare bug with item unlock screen sometimes glitching when using workbenches
• Fixed bug that could cause you to lose the cat pet when taming another pet
• Fixed minimap diagonal movement on gamepad sometimes not working correctly
• Quest items are now sorted to the bottom of the inventory rather than the top

21×9 Resolution –
• Fixed Character creation name offset
• Fixed crafting requirements offset
• Fixed hotbar durability inventory off

Localization –
• Fixed several missing texts

That is all for today, be sure to join the official Discord channel to stay upto date on the latest development!

– Zero