Hiya guys!
Its been a day since we released on the Google Play store! Thank you for everybody that has taken the time to play. We are releasing a patch today to address allot of the performance related issues people are having. The game released with a bug which prevented objects within the game being destroyed when no longer needed, meaning that the game would progressively get slower and slower until it crashed. This has been resolved.
Here is the full list of changes –
• Fixed critical bug with map clearing system that was killing game frame rate, people with slowdown issues this should now be resolved
• Improved collision performance for environmental objects such as trees
• Fixed bug that would prevent some character files from being fully deleted
• Increased map drawing loop performance on some lower-end device
• Replaced object grid map and twinned with map tile drawing to increase performance and reduce overall ram usage
• Fixed bug when entering the world that the screen could begin black
• Fixed bug when some npcs would sometimes move position when spawning
• Increased energy regeneration rate by 1 energy per second
• Increased energy cost for running by 1 per second
• Increased energy cost for walking by 0.5 per second
• Added several new online leaderboard types
• Fixed some logic with the calculation of limb damage
• Fixed hunger damage text glitch
• Re-added damage text for player damage
• Fixed bug with score positioning
• Replaced rarely used font types with common types
• Changed font colour when damaging npcs to yellow
• Fixed bug when the player had died that the game could randomly crash
• Reduced off-screen tiles by around 25% to improve performance while moving
• Fixed performance bug when calculating water depth that could cause slowdown
• Reduced ‘pop-in’ rate of auto tiles and resources
• Fixed speech bubble drawing glitch whilst moving
• Fixed bug with weather depth sometimes being overlapped by some tiles
• Increased rain and snow drawing performance by reducing time particles are visible on-screen by half
• Fixed bug with npcs sometimes appearing to be in water even if they were not
• Fixed graphical glitch with npc water indicator sometimes drawing the wrong sprite
• Fixed graphical glitch with npc healthcare sometimes appearing blurry
• Increased spawn rate of skeletons
We will be working over the weekend on new features, more bug fixes and implementing your ideas!
Thanks guys,