


Hiya guys!

Today we are releasing version 1.4.0 of A Tale of Survival! We are extremely proud of this release version and cannot wait to hear your feedback!

Version 1.4.0 –

  • Improved crafting gui positioning for tablet devices
  • Fixed annoying joystick gui clicking issues!
  • Crafting arrows now only gives 2 arrows instead of three
  • Fixed bug with arrows sticking to dead npcs
  • Fixed wool cloth sprite
  • Fixed bug with cancel button not disappearing after bow shot
  • Fixed bug with bow doing melee and ranged damage at the same time
  • Greatly increased the swimming speed of sea snakes
  • Sea snakes are now aggressive
  • Amethyst necklace now requires a gold bar to craft
  • Fixed button with craft button sometimes activating nearby resources
  • Beacon now requires gold bar and amethyst to craft
  • You can now reselect object and item placement positioning before it finishes
  • Fixed bug with backup saving that was not correctly save inventory data
  • Fixed bug with world saving that did not save the correct player position
  • Bandages are now limited to one use at a time
  • Added two new mineable rocks! clay stone and sandstone
  • Fixed bug with bandage modifier icon not disappearing
  • Fixed depth of growing resources
  • Fixed depth of furnace overlapping player
  • Improved song fade in and out timers
  • Increased speed of wolf by 0.2
  • Fixed bug with joystick controls and raft movement
  • Passive npc’s no longer activate combat music
  • Disabled resolution change on mobile devices
  • Fixed bug with weapon durability showing up multiple times in modifier list
  • Fixed bug with resources sometimes disappearing
  • Reduced memory load of world generation slightly
  • Fixed bug with gates sometimes not letting the user pass through when open
  • Fixed bug where fishing rod could be unequipped whilst fishing
  • Fixed bug with details not displaying on upper 10% of map sometimes

Version 1.4.2 –  

  • Changed targeting with mouse to only allow item pickup and object interaction
  • Fixed bug with shadow positioning
  • Added shadows to growing resources
  • Improved depth of resources for few overlaps
  • Fixed items disappearing in some cases when loading a game

Thats all for today guys,

– Zero


Hiya guys,

We are pleased to announce A Tale of Survival version 1.3.1 which will shortly be available! This update contains a host of changes to some of the games cores features which we hope will make for a much better experience!


Cliff building!


  • Two completely new tracks! A full length day and night theme by our composer Mike Frank
  • Fixed error with key rebinding not configuring correctly sometimes
  • Reduced world generation time by 15%
  • Fixed bug when entering dungeons that could cause a delay
  • Resources now no longer block cave exits
  • Increased base day and night lengths slightly
  • Joystick now only activates in the lower left quadrant of the screen
  • Added onscreen indicator for beacon to find your way home!
  • Added cool down to opening and closing interact options with objects
  • Increased damage of lava by 3
  • Fixed ‘sticky joystick’ bug
  • Fixed issue with raft controls
  • Improved depth sorting on some objects
  • Fixed bug when placing plants that would sometimes change their position
  • increased spawn rate of coal by 15%
  • Objects can now be placed on top of grass cliffs!
  • Removed delta timing from core
  • Chests now spawn in dungeons with more cool loot!
  • Improved spawn collision detection for npcs and player
  • Improved depth sorting for long grass and reeds to not overlap objects
  • Fixed bug with item saving that would sometimes cause an error
  • Fixed bug with rain icon sometimes displaying multiple times
  • Improved placement of resources to not overlap


Looking forward to hearing your feedback on this one!

Thanks have  great day –



Hiya guys,

Today we are releasing a new update to address a number of performance based issues associated with a previous version of the game engine. This includes a memory leak discovered in a beta version of the engine.

In addition to this there are a number of changes, better object placement detection and new discoveries on the island.

– Version 1.2.0 –

  • Fixed bug when placing objects which would not display some blocked paths
  • Fixed bug with npcs not displaying correctly sometimes when loading a game
  • Fixed bug with world generator causing an error on initial load
  • Statues now give a random, high level item when discovering them
  • Fixed an issue with surfaces drawing incorrectly when loading a game
  • Added multi-touch to item pick-up and inventory items to allow much smoother movement  and consumable use
  • Fixed error when collecting some resources
  • Added sounds to menu options buttons
  • Added save option when exiting the game
  • Fixed potential bug with character creation
  • Fixed bug with raft not moving when rebinding controls


Strange statue

This update will be rolled out shortly and will be available for both free and paid version of A Tale of Survival across all currently available platforms and marketplaces.


Hiya guys,

Sorry for the delay in releasing this latest update. This version of A Tale of Survival aims to fix a few issues identified since the latest update as-well as add some more functionality to the shovel item which can now be used to also remove exhausted resources such as tree’s or mining rocks to allow room for more building!

In the coming weeks we are preparing for a bug feature update, which will include new creature AI, some new items as-well and one new resource!

Here are the patch notes –

– Version 1.1.94 –
• Fixed bug with the bandage item causing a crash when used
• Fixed bug when gathering some resources which would cause a random crash
• Fixed bug when sometimes double clicking resources which would give double drops
• Fixed bug which prevented the first item in a chest from being taken
• Chest no longer drags when selecting an item
• Fixed bug with statistics being incorrectly labelled
• Fixed bug with shovel not visually removing details
• Shovel can now be used to remove exhausted resources from the game
• Fixed a bug with ground items rarely causing a bug while saving the game

A Tale of Survival is currently available from the following app-stores –

That is all for today guys, as always we are always looking for any new ideas, criticisms and feedback! Use the contact page on our website and let us know what you think.

Have a great day,

– Zero.

A Tale of Survival version 1.1.91 patch notes

Hiya guys,

Just a quick update to address a few minor bugs as-well as a few balance changes!

• Reduced chance of rain by around 30%
• Fixed bug when using ladder on certain terrain objects causing an error
• Attacking dead npcs no longer shows damage text
• Fixed bug with weather controller throwing an error
• Added text-log entry when equipping items
• Increased burn time of campfire by 55%

Find a bug or want to see something added? Use the contact form and let us know!

Have a great day,

– Zero.


Hiya guys!

After a short break in development we are back with a new update for A Tale of Survival! This update boasts an redesigned and cleaner interface, new game-play mechanics and as always performance improvements and bug fixes.

We are constantly reading your comments and thoughts on the game and if you have anything you would like to share please feel free to contact us.

Here are the changes

– Version 1.1.89 (10-2-15)
• Fixed bug with interact button when using ladder to climb into dungeons
• Resources can now be harvested by clicking on them
• Fixed bug with cliff steps not being walk able
• Reduced texture swaps by up to 30% for better performance
• Torch now requires stick and two coal to craft instead of wool cloth
• Fixed bug with targeting system not calculating priorities correctly
• Added new splash screen
• Worlds now generate with a pool of water surrounding them
• Fixed a long standing issue with the auto-tiling system ignoring some tile corners
• Fishing catch text now accurately displays catch details
• Fixed bug with some interaction objects not working correctly
• Reduced number of golems that spawn on each map
• Increased size of ground items by 0.2
• Redesigned GUI to be far more minimalistic
• Redesigned crafting GUI for faster crafting
• Reduced number of apples that spawn by 25%
• Fixed bug with ghosts sometimes staying alive after night
• The minimap has now been removed
• Fixed bug with crafting menu sometimes activating joystick
• Seeds now randomly spawn on the map
• Wooden planks will now randomly spawn in water
• Seeds now randomly spawn across the map
• Added new weather effects toggle to options menu
• Added new food item, potato stew!
• NPCS will now avoid campfires at night!
• Added new rain and snow effects
• Movement is now slowed when it is raining

Thanks guys,

– Zero


Hiya guys,

There have been a few reports of issues on the Windows port of A Tale of Survival. To fix these up as soon as possible we have decided to release this new version of ATOS a week earlier. This new release contains several new game-play elements and more bug fixes.

One of the major changes in this release is the way that NPCS are now managed. We have now developed a modular based system for NPCS allowing them to be unique and act differently than each-other. We plan to fully utilize this in versions to come. Being cold now prevents health regeneration making survival just a little bit more difficult. NPCS can now also apply de-buffs to the player such as poisons or slows.

This update will be available for Google-play and Amazon users and users shortly!



– Version 1.1.83 (18-10-14)

• Fixed bug with combat music not playing in some instances
• Combat music will now not always play when entering combat
• Fixed bug with day and night themes cutting out early and not looping correctly
• Fixed bug with item durability bars appearing blurry on certain resolutions
• Fixed bug with credits alpha effecting the menu interface
• Increased the size of the crafting scrolling buttons by 160%
• Fixed bug with crafting scrolling buttons sometimes not aligning correctly on window devices
• Being cold now causes damage over time to the player
• Some NPC’s now inflict negative player effects when attacking such as poison or slow effects
• Added new poison DOT effect
• Fixed bug with player scores not displaying correctly in character selection screen after last update
• Fixed character score text alignment bug when creating long character names
• Fixed bug with alpha blend in menu screen when exiting the game
• Modifiers are now stored variables that will immediately take effect when loading into a game
• Fixed a bug with the modifiers that could potentially make them last forever
• Water lilies are now intractable objects and will move out of your way when passing through them
• Added new breaking effect when harvesting resources
• Fixed bug with targeting resources that was priorities ground items instead of the resource
• Fixed bug with player death animation not playing correctly when hitting the action button
• Added collision detection
• Player will no longer regenerate health when cold
• Fixed positioning of float when fishing to no longer pass through objects or terrain
• Water rocks are now solid objects/obstacles
• NPC AI is now based on a new modular system which will make new ai type implementation a lot easier!
• Worlds now spawn with a pool of water surrounding them
• Fixed health bar positioning of the combat dummy
• Fixed bug with cliff step positioning

That is it for today, look out for the next update shortly!

Thanks for reading,

– Zero

A Tale of Survival version 1.1.78 patch notes

Hiya guys,

Today we are proud to release version 1.1.78 of A Tale of Survival! This update will be available shortly for both Google play and Amazon users. This patch aims to fix a few new bugs introduced in the previous patch, add new game play elements and balance changes as-well as more depth to existing mechanics!

  • Fixed glitch with chest constantly re-selection items on hover
  • Player damage is now rounded for damage text
  • Fixed a small memory leak when loading a previous save whilst in game
  • Fixed bug with chest items not being saved until the chest gui was closed
  • Removed place item from Wheat item
  • Monsters will now randomly spawn at night, known as ‘phantoms’ they are extremely dangerous and will try to destroy your base defences, beware!
  • Growing resources are no longer solid to prevent the player sometimes getting stuck when placing them
  • Fixed some bugs with ghost animation not displaying correctly
  • Fixed bug with fence gate displaying an incorrect sprite when loading a game
  • Fixed bug with fences closing when saving and loading a game
  • Added extra backwards compatibility to save files
  • Added new range check to prevent pre-emptive playing of combat music
  • Fixed bug with music engine sometimes playing multiple tracks at once when exiting and entering a game quickly
  • Fixed but with leather hide not displaying drop option in item description
  • Added new water collision checking to fishing floats to stop them sometimes appearing on land
  • Enemies will now sometimes continue to chase the player even if they are off-screen
  • Added differentiation in map detail types so that some are now solid where others are not
  • The raft will now simulate water movement when the player is standing on it as-well as travelling at slow speeds
  • Added sound when digging up plants and other detail items
  • Fixed bug with sleeping not restoring health and energy correctly
  • Player can no longer sleep during the day
  • Expanding sleeping with several new error messages, a cool down between sleeps and
  • Fixed a bug when building an object and cooking items that would check the mouse position after the cool down bar had faded instead of the actual position of the original click

That is all for today guys. As always thank you for your ideas, criticisms and suggestions!

– Zero.


Hiya guys! Today we are releasing A Tale of Survival version 1.1.74. This release adds several new objects to build and interact with, new items, increased game performance and greater stability. We have been able to greatly increased the sharpness of the player sprites and paper dolled items across most (if not all) resolutions in this release. The ladder, rope and bucket items all now have uses and if used properly can be very valuable.

As always thank you all for your continued bug reports, suggestions and ideas. The feedback thus far has been amazing and we look forward to reading it everyday!

Version 1.1.74 (29-6-14) –

  • Added new power save option to game settings
  • The ladder can now be used on cave entrances to journey down into dangerous caves
  • The well now has it own animation, use a bucket and rope on it to build and use it!
  • Removed smoothing around player sprite and equipment for a much sharper image
  • Fixed a small memory leak when exiting the game menu and entering the game
  • Fixed bug when changing gore settings which would sometimes change the game resolution
  • Fixed bug with paper-dolling depth sorting not working correctly after latest patch
  • Fixed bug with some items not appearing on the character when equipped
  • Fixed bug when destroying a chest that the gui element would stay visible
  • Energy potion now requires a banana instead of bandage to craft
  • Fixed lighting glitch when pausing the game
  • Fixed bug when pausing the game that would sometimes cause equipment to now be drawn
  • Fixed bug with clicking some map items that would activate the joystick
  • Increased sensitivity of the joystick
  • Fixed tile transition between dark and light grass
  • Fixed the difference in colour between deep and dark water on some devices
  • Fixed bug when loading and saving the game which would sometimes change the players attack damage and armour values
  • Fixed bug when clicking some resources that would activate the joystick
  • Fixed flicker caused by reloading surfaces after pausing the game
  • Fixed bug with water depth not being drawn to paper dolled items after last patch
  • Fixed bug with play button sometimes disappearing after creating a new character and exiting back to the menu
  • Fixed bug with eye sprites not displaying correctly
  • Added multiple button states to interact buttons to stop accidental key presses
  • The joystick will no longer activate when clicking interaction buttons
  • Re-added damage bounce from lava and camp-fires
  • Fixed bug with zoom buttons still being visible on death
  • Picking up detail objects will no longer cause the joystick to activate
  • Increased length of night time by 30%
  • Fixed bug with cooked pork requiring furnace to craft
  • Added new fall back for character creation surfaces when focus is lost on some devices
  • Fixed bug when clicking some gui elements that would interact with items on the ground
  • Fixed crash that could occur when placing items on an object that was already built
  • Added several new error prompts when building objects
  • Added crafting recipe for rope
  • Sleeping now restores hunger, warmth and a small amount of health
  • Using the zoom buttons now re-draws the map too
  • Doubled damage of the bomb
  • Added grass depth detection to NPCS
  • Rabbits are now classed as passive npcs and run away when attacked

That is all for today guys,

– Zero.

A Tale of Survival version 1.72 release!

Hiya guys!

Today we are very excited to be releasing version 1.72 of A Tale of survival which will shortly be a available to download. This update features numerous bug fixes, increased device compatibility, new resources and armour sets and lots more! Read the full patch notes below.

Version 1.1.73 (18-6-14) –

• Increased base moment speed by 1

• Increased spawn rate of spiders by 20%

• Fixed bug with npcs spawning inside solid objects

• Fixed bug with battle music continuing to player even out of combat

• Bread now stacks upto 5 times

• Fixed major bug that was messing up the auto-tiling of fence panels and stone walls

• Both hands or legs now need to be damaged to cause a negative debuff affecting either movement speed or attack damage

• Fixed bug which was slowing the players movement speed after taking lava damage

• Damaged legs now actually slows movement speed

• Fixed bug with cold permanently slowing movement speed

• Water now only slows movement after a certain depth

• Bat wing can now be eaten

• Increased spawn rate of all objects in caves by 25% to make them more useful and fun to explore

• Fixed bug with some tiles not being drawn on initial load

• Fixed bug when placing combat dummy that it sometimes would not appear

• Fixed bug with chest when opened that would not close when the player moved away

• Fixed some logic bugs with the temporary game saving function that was causing some map items to disappear when loading the game

• Fixed a bug with the game save system which could be exploited to duplicate items

• Added a new mineable rock type, adamantite – This is a rare and powerful resource that can only be found in caves

• Added new durability detrition values for woodcutting axes and pickaxes

• Fixed bug with durability status modifier displaying several times when equipping and un-equipping a damaged weapon

• All armour now has a durability rating and takes damage when the player does. This is relative to the limb that takes damage whilst in combat. If equipment gets too low it will break.

• Fixed bug with modifiers sometimes overlapping the score gui element.

• Modifiers can now show upto 9 de-buffs at a single time instead of the previous 6

• Added new wooden fences!

• Added brand new armour set, adamantite armour!

• Added new resource type, sand!

• Fixed bug with pickaxe not applying correct attack damage value

• Fixed bug with pause screen going black on some devices


That is it for today guys, keep sending us your ideas and suggestions!

– Zero