Hiya guys,
Sorry for the delay in releasing this latest update. This version of A Tale of Survival aims to fix a few issues identified since the latest update as-well as add some more functionality to the shovel item which can now be used to also remove exhausted resources such as tree’s or mining rocks to allow room for more building!
In the coming weeks we are preparing for a bug feature update, which will include new creature AI, some new items as-well and one new resource!
Here are the patch notes –
– Version 1.1.94 –
• Fixed bug with the bandage item causing a crash when used
• Fixed bug when gathering some resources which would cause a random crash
• Fixed bug when sometimes double clicking resources which would give double drops
• Fixed bug which prevented the first item in a chest from being taken
• Chest no longer drags when selecting an item
• Fixed bug with statistics being incorrectly labelled
• Fixed bug with shovel not visually removing details
• Shovel can now be used to remove exhausted resources from the game
• Fixed a bug with ground items rarely causing a bug while saving the game
A Tale of Survival is currently available from the following app-stores –

That is all for today guys, as always we are always looking for any new ideas, criticisms and feedback! Use the contact page on our website and let us know what you think.
Have a great day,
– Zero.