I am extremely happy to announce that along with a brand new update with several new improvements and bug fixes also comes with it the long awaited Windows release of A Tale of Survival!
The Windows version can now be purchased directly from ITCH.io which includes a free copy of the Android version too, follow the link bellow for more details –
Upcoming updates for both Android and Windows version will be available alongside each-other with similar, if not the same content available across both platforms. As always we are continually looking for your ideas and feedback, please use the contact form on our website and let us know what you think!
Please find the latest changes bellow –
Version 1.1.81 (11-10-14) –
- Reduced gui drawing for a slight fps increase
- Fixed bug with world size selector sometimes not working correctly
- Fixed bug with character selection alignment
- Using or eating an item will now remove from the inventory slot selected instead of the first available.
- Nights now last longer the more nights you survive
- Increased transition speed from dusk to dawn and dawn to dusk by 30%
- Fixed bug with cliff steps sometimes being embedded into the cliffs
- Fixed bug with some gui menus sometimes being hidden when constantly switching the display size
- Fixed a bug where the player could potentially get stuck when entering the game
- Added rebind-able keys for windows users!
That is it for today guys, have a great day!
– Zero.