
A Tale of Survival version 1.1.78 patch notes

Hiya guys,

Today we are proud to release version 1.1.78 of A Tale of Survival! This update will be available shortly for both Google play and Amazon users. This patch aims to fix a few new bugs introduced in the previous patch, add new game play elements and balance changes as-well as more depth to existing mechanics!

  • Fixed glitch with chest constantly re-selection items on hover
  • Player damage is now rounded for damage text
  • Fixed a small memory leak when loading a previous save whilst in game
  • Fixed bug with chest items not being saved until the chest gui was closed
  • Removed place item from Wheat item
  • Monsters will now randomly spawn at night, known as ‘phantoms’ they are extremely dangerous and will try to destroy your base defences, beware!
  • Growing resources are no longer solid to prevent the player sometimes getting stuck when placing them
  • Fixed some bugs with ghost animation not displaying correctly
  • Fixed bug with fence gate displaying an incorrect sprite when loading a game
  • Fixed bug with fences closing when saving and loading a game
  • Added extra backwards compatibility to save files
  • Added new range check to prevent pre-emptive playing of combat music
  • Fixed bug with music engine sometimes playing multiple tracks at once when exiting and entering a game quickly
  • Fixed but with leather hide not displaying drop option in item description
  • Added new water collision checking to fishing floats to stop them sometimes appearing on land
  • Enemies will now sometimes continue to chase the player even if they are off-screen
  • Added differentiation in map detail types so that some are now solid where others are not
  • The raft will now simulate water movement when the player is standing on it as-well as travelling at slow speeds
  • Added sound when digging up plants and other detail items
  • Fixed bug with sleeping not restoring health and energy correctly
  • Player can no longer sleep during the day
  • Expanding sleeping with several new error messages, a cool down between sleeps and
  • Fixed a bug when building an object and cooking items that would check the mouse position after the cool down bar had faded instead of the actual position of the original click

That is all for today guys. As always thank you for your ideas, criticisms and suggestions!

– Zero.

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