Hiya guys,
The last few weeks have been pretty crazy on the world of Titan! I have been stress testing the game considerably to try and squeeze out as much performance as possible before launch. One of the main systems I re-wrote was the NPC system, which relies heavily on a parenting system. I managed to squeeze some extra performance out by reducing the time between calculating movement paths. Here is one of my stress tests –
And another more extreme example –
The dynamic weather system has been updated to be far less resource intensive, mobile users should notice a big difference.
Last week I spent most of my time adding gamepad support. It is almost feature complete and lead me to add a much requested feature – dynamic targeting. In the settings screen you can now toggle between keyboard or mouse targeting –
The skill tree finally received some love this week with some of the missing abilities programmed in such as the ‘Jumper cables’ ability you can unlock for SHARD. Upon death this gives you a 20% chance to be brought back to life by SHARD instead of returning to the escape pod, pretty handy!
Lastly I added a few new cave variations for you to stumble across. This one is full of spiders, weak passive creatures. However hurt one you might have a problem on your hands!
That is all for today. The game is now available on steam to wishlist, please show your support and hit the wishlist button today!
– Zero
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