Hiya guys,
It’s been a few weeks since my last post and lot’s has changed in that time! I have been working quite heavily on improving the world generation of the game, all 7 intended biomes are now present as-well as several randomly generated islands to explore!
There is still some work to be done with smoothing the terrain transitions and adding variation the island shapes but at it’s core everything is in place and ready to explore!
In other news I have been modifying the minimap screen to be more intuitive and interactive. It now features a full screen view with quests as-well the ability to toggle markers on and off.
Also I have been working on adding several new bosses, an achievement framework, pet system and numerous performance and balance tweaks. Really excited to be showing these new features off in the next few weeks, but for now a sneak peak of an upcoming boss!
That is all for today. If you have any idea’s or feedback please send it my way!
I will shortly be setting up a discord server too to log progress and take feedback, PM me if you might be interested in joining.
– Zeso
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