
Surviving Titan 0.6.3 has now landed!

Hiya guys,

Today I have been combing the discussion boards and picking up on all of the suggestions you have had to improve the core gameplay loop. One very common thing was the accessibility of storage in the early and mid game, with that in mind I have moved the small chest to a default crafting item at the workbench requiring only wood to craft. It’s base storage capacity has also been increased. At the carpenters table now is a default crafting recipe large chest, requiring only bronze and wood to craft.

Additionality I have fixed several persistent bugs, most notably resources respawning and removing your placed objects, pet pathfinding causing issues on some of the space maps, paintings and doors not showing correctly in player housing and a few other performance tweaks.

Version 0.6.3 should very shortly be available for you to play. I really hope you enjoy the changes and can’t wait to hear what you guys suggest next –

• Fixed a bug that meant some plants and resources would respawn over objects, removing them from the game
• Reduced respawn time of coal and clay
• Large space doors will now stay open after you go through them to help with npc/pet pathfinding
• Reduced lighting effects when shooting the flamethrower
• Added additional map warp check when leaving the igloo
• The small chest is now available to craft at the workbench
• The large wooden chest is now a default crafting recipe at the workbench
• Added a new tier of craftable chest, the golden chest – available at the carpenters table
• Added additional out of bounds checks to most caves
• Improved gui re-scaling when resizing windows mode
• Fixed large and medium paintings only giving small paintings when destroyed/removed
• Fix some map resources objects such as stone walls appearing through player placed buildings
• Fixed bug with wood cabin door not displaying whilst outside
• Fixed bug with paintings displaying outside of player housing
• Added new ‘uproot’ options to plants – removes the plant while it is growing or has grown, has a chance to return the seed
• Increased rock stack size from 25 to 50 to be inline with ores
• Increased small chest size from 8 slots to 12
• Increased medium chest size from 12 to 20
• Increased mytonium chest size from 20 to 32 slots
• Increased gold stack size to 50
• Fixed small layering issue with medium chests
• Fixed fletching table destroying producing a workbench

That is all for today.

Thank you as always for being so awesome

– Zero

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