

ATOS patch notes #14

Hiya guys!

Today’s patch includes a new enemy type, various bug fixes, several new items and lots more sounds!

version 1.1.70 – (9-5-14)

• Added a full new theme song – time to die!

• Added new water based enemy – The sea snake

• Increased distance that items can be picked up by

• Items can now be picked up while moving

• Reduced cool down between picking up ground items by half

• Added new item, the amethyst necklace

• Fixed bug with crafting window not correctly calculating item stack values

• Fixed bug with inventory not stacking items correctly

• Fixed bug with detail items not being added to ground or inventory when picking up with a full inventory

• Armour and movement speed modifies are now shown in the equipment screen

• Re-designed the crafting gui for a slightly better layout

• Added crafting progress bar to gui

• Added several new sounds for when equipping and un-equipping items

• Added several sounds when eating items

• Reduced ground apples by 30%

• Increased base player movement speed by 0.2

• Wolfs no longer chase into water

• Fixed bug with auto-tiling sometimes not detecting corners of some tiles

That is all for today,

– Zero.

ATOS patch notes #13

Hiya guys!

Today’s update includes Quivers, a new hat type, slightly revised gui layout and some balance tweaks, enjoy!

version 1.1.67 (4-6-14) –

• Fixed bug with some game files not being deleted when removing a character

• Added a new gui element to allow zooming in and out of the game view

• Fixed bug that was preventing the correct number of items in the inventory for being calculated

• Fixed bug that was preventing planting seeds after the last patch

• Added new food item, pork!

• Added sounds to character creation window

• Re-designed the equipment window to take up less space

• Added a new object type, barrels

• Added new item, the Quiver

• Fixed bug with two-handed weapons sometimes not un-equipping offhand

• Fixed shield positing overlapping some weapons

• Fixed bug where some items were slowing player movement speed

• Added a new item, the bandanna

• Increased rock stack from 5 to 10

• Reduced pickaxe stone cost from 3 to 2

– Zero

ATOS patch notes #12

Hiya guys,

We have been updating steadily for a few days now adding new features and fixing up existing ones as we go along. None of these changes were significant enough for their own post so bellow is the changes for the past several minor updates.


• Game is now partially saved every 60 seconds to prevent any character loss

• Fixed bug when placing stone blocks that would cause a crash

• Added new collision detection script to the player on spawn meaning if you do get stuck simply re-load the game to un-stick

• Added new object, the beacon – craft and place this item to find your way home

• Added examine and destroy interactions to the table, chair, campfire and furnace items

• Fixed bug with destroying an object that the wrong text would display


• Fixed memory leak when loading and saving multiple games which eventually crashed the game

• Reduced game texture size to 512×512 for better compatibility on lower end devices

• Reduced game save size by over 60%, also reduced saving time by 40%

• Added new mountain tile with black top

• Resized several gui items

• Changed save file format for better compatibility across all devices

• Increased spawn rate of dungeons

• Fixed crash when placing the combat dummy in water

• Fixed bug with raw food sometimes not being taken when cooked

• Fixed bug with some resources not running out

• Increased base damage of woodcutting axe by 0.4

• Fixed bug with music engine sometimes not stopping


• Added a new backup utility that will store temporary data that can be loaded from if the game crashes, saving objects like chests and furnaces that have been placed

• Added two new enemy types, the fire and ice beetle!

• Fixed bug with feather cooking on campfire and producing a cooked fish

• Fixed bug wth gui display now rendering on some lower-end devices

• Fixed bug with fade-ins not covering the entire window

• Disabled automatic power-saving functionality to stop screen dimming on some devices

• Added fire beetle npc to dungeons

• Fixed sprite offsets of cow, imp and wolf

• Reduced health of the pig by 7

• Fixed bug with npc spawn collision checking not calculating correctly

Thanks guys!

– Zero

ATOS patch notes #11

Hiya guys,

Today we are releasing patch 11 for ATOS. This release fixes several bugs that were reported, adds a new type of enemy AI to the game and tweaks a few existing mechanics to work much better. We are always looking for things to improve so if you have any suggestions please send us an email via our contact form and let us know!

version 1.1.55 (31-5-14)

• Fixed reed tile transition from dirt to grass

• Reduced health of chicken by 5

• Reduced health of butterfly by 7

• Butterflies are now classed as passive and will not do damage, instead they will attempt to run away from the player when attacked

• Fixed bug with large npcs spawning inside some resources

• Fixed bug with cooking pot being be placed on the campfire

• Re-worked all npc collision masks to provide more consistent hit boxes

• Fixed bug with some items disappearing from inventory when crafting

• Added multi-touch to the hotbar and button-bar

• Removed use option from raw meat

• Fixed bug with campfire being re-lit after exiting and loading a game ever after it had burnt out

• Fixed bug with some modifiers status bars not being clickable due to the joystick being activated instead

• Fixed inventory alignment offset

• Added new check to crafting menu to prevent the window opening accidentally when moving the joystick

• Added fade when behind objects so the player is always visible

• Fixed bug with active crafting directory recipe not closing on second click

• Worms no longer spawn on grass to make starting off a little easier

• Reduced hunger step damage by 1

• Added new sound when dropping an item

• Added new click sounds to several buttons

• Added weight and friction to player and npc collisions

• Added new orange tree sprite

• Added temporary swing sound for all weapons

• Fixed bug that was preventing collision checking from taking place when placing some objects

• Fixed bug were negative damage was actually healing the player rather than just not doing damage

• Fixed bug that would prevent picking up stackable items with a full inventory

• Fixed bug when crafting items that would not detect inventory item stack limit properly

• Fixed item options for cloth legs not displaying correctly

• Fixed bug when equipping an item with a full inventory that the existing equip item would be dropped

That is it for today guys!


ATOS patch notes #10

Hiya guys!

Today sees the 10th update for ATOS, thank you all so much for the support and suggestions so far! We have been working hard on some new updates for your guys and today we are releasing some of them. Today’s patch includes a brand new storage system, you can now craft and place your own chests to use as static additional storage. This was one of the most highly requested features so we didn’t want to keep you waiting!

We have also redesigned the item-info screen to be more touch friendly and use up less important screen real-estate. The item interaction window has also been modified to now display as a gui element instead of a normal object.

We have also added combat dummies, these are craft-able objects which can be used to test your weapons against. There are also several new items and crafting recipes so be sure to check those out too! of-course there have been several bug fixes and hopefully this build should also improve overall game performance and stability.

Version 1.1.51 (30-5-14)

• Using the new method for collision detection we used on mountains we have been able to apply this to water too to make water detection far more accurate without using lots of memory to do it!

• Shallow and deep water now display as two different depths on the player

• Completely redesigned the item info box to take up less valuable view space

• Item descriptions are now colour coded, green for positive effects and red for negative effects

• Fixed several spelling mistakes (Thanks to Joshua Kehoe)

• Fixed text alignment in title screen

• Fixed bug with some seed items not growing after last update

• Fixed bug with health bar sometimes incorrectly calculating actual value

• Added new global check for active emitters to prevent any audio crashes

• Fixed bug with gold ore sometimes instantly re-spawning

• Added several new death sprites for trees

• Fixed bug with tile resource manager trying to clear off-screen tiles and slowing down the game

• Fixed tree death state offsets which could cause the player to get stuck inside a tree when chopping it

• Fixed bug with cloth hat displaying wrong item stats

• Fixed bug with clay stone sometimes spawning in an un-mineable state

• Reduced mining stages of gold, iron and coal by 1

• Fixed bug when leaving dungeon that could cause the player to get stuck in a wall object

• Fixed bug with some objects not being drawn when pausing the game

• Fixed bug with dungeon entrances sometimes being spawned on the side of mountains

• Added a new fall back method to dungeon generation to prevent

• Fixed bug with crafting directories selection remaining active after changing recipe

• Reduced run speed and chase distance of the imp

• Renamed health potion to Hunger potion, now instantly restores a large portion of hunger

• Added new text prompt when out of range to interact with a resource

• Resources and objects with only one interaction action now open automatically when clicking them
• Fixed bug when clicking text box objects that the joystick would activate

• Re-designed the interaction buttons to be far more user friendly

• Fixed bug with ground items being clickable underneath an open inventory

• Fixed bug with light surface not being drawn in the pause menu

• Added inventory item numbers to the hot bar

• Fixed bug with raw meat item being removed from inventory when used

• Fixed bug with npc sprite sometimes glitching when attacking upward

• Improved spawn collision detection for both player and npc

• Reduced chase distance and run speed of the skeleton

• Increased skeleton damage by 1

• Fixed bug which was preventing the ‘cold feet’ de-buff from working properly

• NPC now have different movement speeds in water than on land

• Leather chest no longer slows movement speed

That is it for today guys,

– Zero.

ATOS patch notes #9

Hiya guys,

Here is another small update just to address some of the problems people are currently experiencing when interacting with resources. This update also includes a few bug fixes and minor optimisations. We have also re-developed the way that global map collisions are managed to be now far more efficient and implemented this with mountains as a preliminary test.

Version 1.1.47 (27-5-14) –

• Fixed glitch with dungeon tiles when moving horizontally

• Fixed bug with mining rocks still being-mine able even after they had be mined out

• Fixed crash when clicking a dead resource

• Fixed bug with bow shot cancel gui button not responding to multi-touch

• Tree resources now drop 1/3 less than before

• Increased the base hunger heal rate of all food items by 25%

• Reduced damage of the spear by 3

• Increased energy regeneration rate by 0.5 per second

• Reduced running energy drain by 0.5

• Increased vertical draw distance by one

• Streamlined resource management loop for better overall performance

• Fixed bug with loading bar when loading a game not displaying the correct values

• Fixed tile transition between long grass and dark grass not displaying correctly

• Fixed bug with resources sometimes not displaying correctly after re-spawning

• Added craft item output amount to crafting interface

• Fixed bug when destroying fence objects which could dispense more items than was used to make it

• re-added mountain collisions with new optimisation for better performance

• Fixed bug with interact buttons something’s being disrupted by joystick controller

That is is all for today, stay tunes for more!

– Zero

ATOS patch notes #8 (THE BIG ONE)

Hiya guys!

Today’s update is another big one, even bigger than the previous! We have been working non-stop this weekend add add new enemy types, several new bows and arrow types, news ways to interact with the environment and loads more. Whats best of all? We finally found the huge bug that was the cause of 90% of all game crashes! There is now more than ever to do in ATOS and we are very excited to see what you make of the new changes!

Version 1.1.45 – 25-4-14

• Added a brand new enemy type – The Golem – Spawns on ice and snow and is very powerful

• Added two new leather items – Leather cap and leather boots

• Reduced crafting menu into ‘directories’ for far easier navigation!

• Fixed bug with loading bar not displaying correct values

• Increased the distance that map items can be picked up from by 15

• Fixed bug when quickly entering and exiting dungeons that could cause a black screen

• Fixed bug with long sword item crashing the game and not displaying correctly

• Reduced hunger step damage to be slightly more realistic

• Decreased step load of gui drawing

• Fixed bug with crafting menu that would scroll the user back to the top when closing an item

• Fixed bug with crafting directories being effected by joystick

• Ember logs now stack

• Fixed bug with defensive structures sometimes causing an error code when reloading the game

• Stone blocks now drop stone when destroyed

• Added a new bow type – The ‘Great bow’

• Added a new arrow type, the ‘bone arrow’

• Re-worked bow damage calculation to now factor in arrow strength

• Fixed bug where player could potentially get stuck in bow animation loop

• Increased radius of projectile hit boxes to make hitting targets a little easier

• Jewels are now stackable

• Fixed bug with bow where the last arrow would not cause any damage

• Fixed bug where player would automatically attack when loading the game

• Added new gui button when shooting arrows to cancel the shot and save the arrow

• Changed equipment gui position to now be displayed on the left

• Equipment can now not be opened when inventory or body status windows are open

• Reduced blood particle life and amount for better performance

• Fixed bug with blurriness around the bow and long sword paper dolls

• Fixed bug with texture messing up after un-pausing the game

• Increased swim speed by 40%

• Reduced run speed by 0.6

• Fixed bug with inventory and equipment slots staying selected after closing them

• Fixed gui flicker when saving the game

• Added new crafting recipe for Greatbow, Recurve bow, Bone arrow

• Fixed bug with items ground items not being visible when in the pause menu

• Fixed bug with npc getting stuck in a loop and slowing down the game

• Added new game loop fullback

• Added 4 new craft able shirts, 4 new craft able pants

• Fixed bug with some leg armour being equip in pendant slot

• Fixed glitch with speech text moving randomly when walking through water

• Fixed a glitch with map drawing array not around down correctly and missing tiles

• Fixed dungeon entrance collision check offset

• Fixed bug with npc descriptions sometimes crashing the game

• Added new icon for iron long sword and iron leg armour

• Fixed transition between long grass and water sometimes giving a black background

• Increased movement speed of imps by 0.4

• Fixed bug with pause screen disappearing when trying to resume a game after taking a phone call or closing phone

• Fixed bug with movement being slowed on ice and snow even when shoes were equip

• Fixed bug with feet paper doll being drawn over the weapon sprite

• Mace is no longer stackable

• Iron long sword is now classified as a two-handed weapon

• Fixed bug with npcs not doing damage after saving the game

• Added new script to do durability damage to items being used from the inventory

• Heavily reduced the amount of drops from most trees

• Fixed bug with the re-spawn timers of resources not working correctly in some situations

• Reduced the size of ground items by 20%

That is all to today, stay tuned for more!

– Zero.

ATOS patch notes #7

Hiya guys!

Today’s patch is a big one. We have been hard at work adding new features and more optimisation. Its been a week since we released ATOS and we have learnt allot in that time. It was a bit of a rough launch but with your feedback and bug reports we are making improvements everyday! Today see’s the launch of version 1.1.40, this version fixes graphical glitches between tiles, controller issues, adds several new items and once again increases performance.

Here is the full change-log –

Version 1.1.40 (24-5-14)

• Converted all existing tiles to new scalable format to eliminate gaps between tiles, blurry-ness and tearing

• Fixed bug with npcs spinning when attacking upward

• Fixed bug with npcs moving over or into mountains

• Fixed a lot of tile transition graphical errors

• Fixed bug with spawn collision checking sometimes not working correctly or causing crashes

• Fixed bug with eyes not being selectable in character creator

• Based on feedback joystick have been modified to now work on any area of screen that’s is considered free

• Re-wrote the way that map tiles are drawn to now work slightly more efficiency

• Fixed bug with map not being fully dawn on initial load

• Fixed bug with player character customisation being lost on game load (thanks Gregory Gay)

• Fixed bug with player sometimes getting suck when loading a game

• Smoothed animation between loading bar and entering the world

• Fixed bug with sweetcorn item being equitable

• Fixed bug with ‘Fur’ tree not dropping any items and displaying wrong error message

• Fixed bug with sweetcorn plant that could cause the player to get stuck

• Fixed bug with sweetcorn plant positioning being wrong when planting seed

• Reduced damage of cows by 3, attack speed by 0.4 and chase distance by 200

• Added two new items, Amethysts, Ruby, Jade and Agate jewels, which will be used ink rafting recipes

• Fixed bug with clay stone ore not dropping any items

• Reduced drop rate of gold from mining by 2

• Fixed bug with text in character creator not being centred

• Gold bar now required 2 gold ores instead of one

• Increased damage taken by hunger by 0.5

• Having a full hunger will now grant a short cool down before taking damage

• Running when hungry now causes more damage than walking

• Fixed bug with lava and cacti that was only damaging player legs

• Fixed bug with crafting when the inventory was full that would not spawn the item but take resources

• Fixed bug when un-equipping item with full inventory that would destroy the item

• Fixed main menu random text positioning bug

• Increased arrow crafting output from 1 to 3

• Reduced number of active map objects by 75%

• Fixed bug where player could move when attacking

• Added new crafting directory – pendants

• Removed room swap between loading game to increase load times and remove graphics glitch

• Map detail items are now processed as tiles instead of objects to reduce cpu load

• Added three new necklace items –

– Ruby necklace – increases attack damage

– Agate necklace – Increase attack speed

– Jade necklace – increase health and armour

• Boots are now required to walk on ice and snow or movement speed will be slowed

• Fixed bug where player would get progressively slower after loading and saving a game

• increased amount of visible crafting recipes by 1

• Added a new type of wood – Ember – Used for crafting high-end powerful weapons

• Added a new interface element to the crafting system – directories – These combine similar items together to save space and scrolling!

• Fixed bug when calculating bow damage

• Orange trees now drop oranges!

• Added a new bow type, the Recurve bow!

• Fixed bug with bow attack not reversing correctly

• Smoothed player animation slightly

That is it for today guys, expect another huge update on Monday!

– Zero.

ATOS patch notes #6

Hiya guys,

Today patch is targeted at fixing some of the issues that have been reported with dungeons, specifically when entering an exiting there was a bug that mishandled the player positioning. This has now been resolved. Today I re-worked the players camera to be a little more fluid in its movement, and not as rigid as before.

We have some great new additions coming up so look out for those!

Version 1.1.38 (21-5-14)

• Added new fall back to dungeon generation to prevent crashes

• Increased number of dungeons generated in the world by 5

• Fixed bug with some gui items being click able when not visible

• Fixed lag associated with the first 10 seconds when starting a new game

• Re-designed the camera to now work much more ‘fluid’ and less strict in its movement, try running and stopping!

• Fixed potential bug in map generation loop that could stall the game

• Found and fixed cause of some dungeons being completely back and empty

• Fixed bug when entering and exiting dungeons that the players position could be lost

• Fixed bug where dungeon entrance could sometimes

• Fixed bug with pause menu trying to draw even when the window did not have focus causing a crash

• Reduced floor tile ‘flashing’, still not fully resolved

That is all for today,
