

Surviving Titan – Dev Blog #4

Hiya guys,

It has been a pretty intense few weeks since the last update and I have been looking forward to finally posting some of the changes and features I have been adding. Life on Titan has gotten a bit more deadly recently, with several new boss’s making their way onto the planet. Life has also gotten a bit more stable, with a complete overhaul of the way that enemies and objects are saved and loaded from the map, resulting in increased performance (especially in animal breeding), stability and no more having to save the game – the game now automatically saves every few seconds.

This week I added the ability to choose a skin in the character creation screen, there is currently two to choose from –

I have updated the way that pet AI and human survivors work too, they are now a bit more intelligent in the way that they follow you. They will also offer assistance in combat if needed.

I spent a large part of last week improving the way that the grasslands biome looks and feels. There is now far more foliage in the grasslands and greater diversity of tree’s. There is still more to come but here is a quick preview –

This week I improved the digging mechanics too. Digging now detects the biome you are in which directly effects the loot you can receive, with some very special items (albeit very rare) to find –

Player housing is also something I have been tweaking. The original inception of the player built houses were instanced maps, however I felt this has no consequence and did not fit the survival theme of the game. I have since re-worked this system to now have a seamless transition between inside and outside of player housing. Certain enemies will attempt to break so it is important to have a strong door on if you want to protect your home –

Lastly I have been tweaking the games core questline. I don’t want to give out any spoilers just yet but here is a quick tease of one of the games new quest areas!

That is all for this week. I would love to hear your suggestions and critique. Please consider joining the games discord for beta access too ->

Many thanks,


Surviving Titan – Dev blog #3

Hiya guys,

I have been itching to post this update for a few days now, the last few weeks have been extremely productive with several new core features being added as-well as complete re-writes of existing mechanics. The games performance has been greatly improved by the re-write of the chunking mechanics, allowing much faster clearing and saving of resources in real-time so you never have to save the game.

This week I revisited the players status screen, from here you can view their skill levels, limb vitals and access their equipment and abilities screen. I think the layout still needs a little bit of work but displays just about everything it needs to –

At long last there are now breeding mechanics in the game, allowing certain animals to be farmed for their resources from the safety of your base –

Of-course this requires some way of getting the chickens to follow you, so I came up with ‘Leashing’. This is a rare item that you cannot craft but once you have it does not degrade –

Other work that has been taking place is in some of the lesser-explored biomes such as the snowlands and jungle. I have been adding some new discoveries to these biomes and adjusting their resources. Here is some sneak peaks –

Lastly for this month I have been testing out some new, higher-tier weapons and their effects. This is the crossbow, it fires multiple low-damage rounds very quickly and has a slight stun/knockback effect. Is it overpowered currently? YES! Does it look cool? I think so –

I have finally set up a discord! While I am not posting too much there right now I would love for some of you to register and chat. Shortly I will be testing newer versions of the game and discord members will be first to know ->

That is all for today, if you have any idea’s or suggestions for the game please message me!


Surviving Titan – Dev blog #2

Hiya guys,

It’s been a few weeks since my last post and lot’s has changed in that time! I have been working quite heavily on improving the world generation of the game, all 7 intended biomes are now present as-well as several randomly generated islands to explore!

There is still some work to be done with smoothing the terrain transitions and adding variation the island shapes but at it’s core everything is in place and ready to explore!

In other news I have been modifying the minimap screen to be more intuitive and interactive. It now features a full screen view with quests as-well the ability to toggle markers on and off.

sirviving titan minimap august 2

Also I have been working on adding several new bosses, an achievement framework, pet system and numerous performance and balance tweaks. Really excited to be showing these new features off in the next few weeks, but for now a sneak peak of an upcoming boss!

surviving titan dragon sneak pea

That is all for today. If you have any idea’s or feedback please send it my way!

I will shortly be setting up a discord server too to log progress and take feedback, PM me if you might be interested in joining.

– Zeso

Introducing Surviving Titan – Action packed, open world survival sci-fi adventure game!

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I have been wanting to make a development thread for a while but the game wasn’t quite there yet. Finally I think I am at a good point to start logging my progress! So without further ado I present to you Surviving Titan, an open world, randomly generated sci-fi survival adventure game.

You crash land on the planet Titan, suffering from amnesia and with the ships scanners unable to detect any signs of civilization you begin the task of exploring the planet looking for any signs of intelligent life. You are accompanied by a survival droid, standard issue for any escape pod. Their job is to keep you alive.

The game features a completely randomly generated open world to explore, with 7 core biomes that piece it together. Each biome has it’s owned unique landscape, resources and inhabitants (friendly or otherwise). Some crafting recipes require item’s that can only be gathered from specific biomes so exploration is key.

Here is a rough image of the current world biome map, it is still actively being improved but getting there –

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This game has a much large scope than anything I have ever made before, but also is alot more complete as I have iterated and improved mechanics from previous games. There are several tiers of crafting, with one of the final tiers giving you the ability to create a teleportation pad that allows you to move across the map almost instantly –

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The game currently features several skills for you to level up, including –


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Leveling up these skills grants you points that can be spent to unlock perks or crafting recipes as-well as other things. The system is not fully fleshed out yet but here is an example of what the final skill tree system might look like –

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Here is a brief look at some of the higher tier items in the game and things you can discover –

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I am really looking forward to posting new content as the game progresses.

That is all now now!

We are back online!

Hiya guys,

After a few weeks of the site being offline we are finally back!

We are extremely excited to announce that will shortly be releasing details on our latest game that has been in development for just over a year, so stay tuned for that!

Have a great weekend!

Amethlion – Now available on Steam!


I am extremely excited to announce that Amethlion has just released on steam, what a way to enjoy a bank holiday huh? Amethlion is now bigger and better than ever thanks to all your feedback and ideas over the past few weeks.

Get amethlion on Steam now! –

Here is the latest changes up to the windows release –

  • Butterfly nets can now be crafted
  • Fixed bug effecting gathering resources durability not counting correctly
  • Explosives now stack and have a value
  • Fixed bug with dark goblins clipping through walls
  • Fixed bug with the king possibly passing you two wilderness passes
  • Beards now correctly draw over armour in the game menu!
  • Adjusted taming slightly, fixed several bugs with the stable system
  • Rat tails are now tradeable and have a value
  • Fixed ‘A Cook’s Quest’ quest log text
  • Fixed bug with the Explosive Rescue quest
  • Fixed bug with the House for sale quest that would take payment before completing
  • Added temporary emitter sound fix until next engine update


Amethlion – Version 1.1.8 patch notes

Hello guys,

I am extremely excited to announce that Amethlion version 1.1.8 now is now available! This update brings in some new NPC’s, items and several important fix’s.

Here is what has changed –

  • The catacombs has been slightly re-modeled!
  • Tombs inside the catacombs are now solid
  • Reduced health of rats by 40%
  • Fixed bug that stopped vials from crafting
  • Added new NPC, Andrew the healer!
  • Increased sand stack size from 10 to 25
  • Added water lillies to several maps
  • Fixed bug that prevented the ‘Royal meeting’ quest from being completed
  • Sound settings now update without clicking apply
  • Added spider attack sound
  • Reduced durability damage on all tools slightly
  • Added rune hatchet and rune pickaxe rare drops!

Amethlion - available on Google play

amethlion healer fw

amethlion domerul fw


amethlion citadel preview fw

As always we would love to hear your feedback, suggestions and ideas.

That is all for today,



Amethlion – Version 1.1.7 now available!

I am extremely happy to announce that version 1.1.7 of Amethlion is now available. This version features several bug fixes, a new enemy type as-well as improved controls.

Here are the full patch notes –

  • Added a vial of a time quest log text
  • Traps can now be avoided using the dash ability
  • Added new ‘Ghast’ NPC!
  • Added banana tree!
  • Expanded pirate cove slightly
  • Fixed bug where chests could potentially contain millions of coins
  • Fixed some missing walls in the farmhouse
  • Fixed bug with some NPC re-spawn timers activating too soon
  • Joystick can now be activated anywhere on the screen

Amethlion 0.0.26 changelog

Fixed floating torch bug
Added level requirements for weapon crafting
Added smithing experience for crafting weapons experience
Fixed crafting menu flicker and tab remembrance
Solids no longer block player when following and npc
Changed all instances to use layers instead of depth – this should stop all flickering
Increased Gork health and damage by 10 and 2 respectively
Fixed and improved respawn on npcs and resources
Increased damage of mushroom and reduced health
Fireworks can only be used at night now
Added quest text for ‘The hawks have landed’ quest
Added leaderboards to main screen (ios and android)
Added food store vendor
Added Agate and Amethyst ring crafting options to Citadel blacksmith
You can now re-buy a chef hat from the citadel chef
Added random detail generation to waterfall map
Added Amethyst and jade spawns to random dungeons
Added ‘quest points’ to minimap tab

Amethlion 0.0.25 – Patch notes

– version 0.0.25 –

Fixed bug near bastion mines which meant creatures could spawn in walls
Fixed missing collision box near bastion farmhouse
Fixed some issues with resources spawning on paths in the bastion
Improved enemy depth sorting
Improved enemy collision with resources
Improved resource depth sorting, added alpha switch when behind resources
Fixed played depth on death
Fixed bug with text overlay showing multiple items on quest completion
Added several new gork spawns to the swamps!
Gork destroyer quest now teaches the flare ability instead of float
The butterfly hunter quest now unlocks the ‘Float’ Ability!
Fixed bug that prevented butterflies from being caught
Removed starting items from character creation in story mode, only levels apply
Reduced damage of slime boss by 50%
Added slightly more water details in the bastion
All resources are now solid
Fixed chest durability bar alignment
Added ‘Store in chest’ sound
Added level requirements to backend crafting calculation – rolled out to armor and weapons only currently
Improved crafting screen, now stores scroll position on failed craft and reduced flicker
Crafting can now give experience