Hiya guys!
Today we are very excited to be releasing version 1.72 of A Tale of survival which will shortly be a available to download. This update features numerous bug fixes, increased device compatibility, new resources and armour sets and lots more! Read the full patch notes below.
Version 1.1.73 (18-6-14) –
• Increased base moment speed by 1
• Increased spawn rate of spiders by 20%
• Fixed bug with npcs spawning inside solid objects
• Fixed bug with battle music continuing to player even out of combat
• Bread now stacks upto 5 times
• Fixed major bug that was messing up the auto-tiling of fence panels and stone walls
• Both hands or legs now need to be damaged to cause a negative debuff affecting either movement speed or attack damage
• Fixed bug which was slowing the players movement speed after taking lava damage
• Damaged legs now actually slows movement speed
• Fixed bug with cold permanently slowing movement speed
• Water now only slows movement after a certain depth
• Bat wing can now be eaten
• Increased spawn rate of all objects in caves by 25% to make them more useful and fun to explore
• Fixed bug with some tiles not being drawn on initial load
• Fixed bug when placing combat dummy that it sometimes would not appear
• Fixed bug with chest when opened that would not close when the player moved away
• Fixed some logic bugs with the temporary game saving function that was causing some map items to disappear when loading the game
• Fixed a bug with the game save system which could be exploited to duplicate items
• Added a new mineable rock type, adamantite – This is a rare and powerful resource that can only be found in caves
• Added new durability detrition values for woodcutting axes and pickaxes
• Fixed bug with durability status modifier displaying several times when equipping and un-equipping a damaged weapon
• All armour now has a durability rating and takes damage when the player does. This is relative to the limb that takes damage whilst in combat. If equipment gets too low it will break.
• Fixed bug with modifiers sometimes overlapping the score gui element.
• Modifiers can now show upto 9 de-buffs at a single time instead of the previous 6
• Added new wooden fences!
• Added brand new armour set, adamantite armour!
• Added new resource type, sand!
• Fixed bug with pickaxe not applying correct attack damage value
• Fixed bug with pause screen going black on some devices
That is it for today guys, keep sending us your ideas and suggestions!
– Zero