Hiya guys!
Today we are releasing version 1.4.0 of A Tale of Survival! We are extremely proud of this release version and cannot wait to hear your feedback!
Version 1.4.0 –
- Improved crafting gui positioning for tablet devices
- Fixed annoying joystick gui clicking issues!
- Crafting arrows now only gives 2 arrows instead of three
- Fixed bug with arrows sticking to dead npcs
- Fixed wool cloth sprite
- Fixed bug with cancel button not disappearing after bow shot
- Fixed bug with bow doing melee and ranged damage at the same time
- Greatly increased the swimming speed of sea snakes
- Sea snakes are now aggressive
- Amethyst necklace now requires a gold bar to craft
- Fixed button with craft button sometimes activating nearby resources
- Beacon now requires gold bar and amethyst to craft
- You can now reselect object and item placement positioning before it finishes
- Fixed bug with backup saving that was not correctly save inventory data
- Fixed bug with world saving that did not save the correct player position
- Bandages are now limited to one use at a time
- Added two new mineable rocks! clay stone and sandstone
- Fixed bug with bandage modifier icon not disappearing
- Fixed depth of growing resources
- Fixed depth of furnace overlapping player
- Improved song fade in and out timers
- Increased speed of wolf by 0.2
- Fixed bug with joystick controls and raft movement
- Passive npc’s no longer activate combat music
- Disabled resolution change on mobile devices
- Fixed bug with weapon durability showing up multiple times in modifier list
- Fixed bug with resources sometimes disappearing
- Reduced memory load of world generation slightly
- Fixed bug with gates sometimes not letting the user pass through when open
- Fixed bug where fishing rod could be unequipped whilst fishing
- Fixed bug with details not displaying on upper 10% of map sometimes
Version 1.4.2 –
- Changed targeting with mouse to only allow item pickup and object interaction
- Fixed bug with shadow positioning
- Added shadows to growing resources
- Improved depth of resources for few overlaps
- Fixed items disappearing in some cases when loading a game
Thats all for today guys,
– Zero