Hiya guys,
We are pleased to announce A Tale of Survival version 1.3.1 which will shortly be available! This update contains a host of changes to some of the games cores features which we hope will make for a much better experience!
- Two completely new tracks! A full length day and night theme by our composer Mike Frank
- Fixed error with key rebinding not configuring correctly sometimes
- Reduced world generation time by 15%
- Fixed bug when entering dungeons that could cause a delay
- Resources now no longer block cave exits
- Increased base day and night lengths slightly
- Joystick now only activates in the lower left quadrant of the screen
- Added onscreen indicator for beacon to find your way home!
- Added cool down to opening and closing interact options with objects
- Increased damage of lava by 3
- Fixed ‘sticky joystick’ bug
- Fixed issue with raft controls
- Improved depth sorting on some objects
- Fixed bug when placing plants that would sometimes change their position
- increased spawn rate of coal by 15%
- Objects can now be placed on top of grass cliffs!
- Removed delta timing from core
- Chests now spawn in dungeons with more cool loot!
- Improved spawn collision detection for npcs and player
- Improved depth sorting for long grass and reeds to not overlap objects
- Fixed bug with item saving that would sometimes cause an error
- Fixed bug with rain icon sometimes displaying multiple times
- Improved placement of resources to not overlap
Looking forward to hearing your feedback on this one!
Thanks have great day –